Happy World Heart Day Everyone
According to World Health Federation ,strokes and heart diseases are leading cause of death .But we can prevent these by taking care of our health .Keep your heart healthy and fit with the below tips . Take these resolutions and make yourself fit and healthy
1 Set up Time table :
Rightly said early to bed,early to rise.Set your time to sleep and wake up on time.Have proper minimum 8 hrs of sleep.Do not be late night owl which eventually disrupts the routine other day.
2) Exercise :
Exercise must be an important part of your daily schedule.Go for a light walk,feel the fresh air,enjoy the sunrise.Nothing more can be beautiful and healthy start of your day than this.You can also do yoga,meditation which gets your body amazing physical and emotional balance.
3) Eating right meal at right time :
You must build your timetable for meals.Give your body enough time to digest what you eat Start your day with heavy meal and end with lighter one.Include lot of fruits,salads,veggies,protein in your diet.Another miracle potion is "water",yes have lots of water in day .Opt for healthier food options like brown rice ,green tea,multi grain food items.
4) GoOffline for sometime
Nowadays TV,internet ,mobile etc have become inseparable part of our life,to an extent that we have lesser time quality time for us and family.
make sure to go offline for sometime from Tv,Internet .Switch off TV while having food,spent quality time with family.Live communication is far better than online .I bet you will enjoy this and so your heart too ;)
5) Dont Worry Be Healthy
Yes this is the mantra to live happy ,cheerful and healthy life.Life has many ups and downs but the challenge is to get up and keep moving on.Keep yourself happy,contented and cheerful and see the magic .Now a days being happy and tension free life is a challenge .We keep worrying and this affects our health and heart badly.Just analyse the situation ,try to resolve calmly .
Make Happiness a choice not a situation.
6) Be Aware of CVD symptoms
Last but not the least be aware of any CVD symptom and visit doctor immediately if you feel any such signs like Chest pain,dizziness,fatigue shortness of breathe,discomfort behind the breastbone spreading towards the arm,swollen ankels.
Keep BP monitoring system at home to check the pressures if required .You can also check your cholesterol with self sampling blood tests taken at home .
Finally I would like to stay its in our hands to maintain our health,So lets go for it ,Follow these basic resolutions and have a healthy life :)
Great Tips....as it is rightly said your health is your wealth so wealthy be healthy... Thanks Boom...;-)4
Great tips as it is rightly said Health is Wealth ...so stay healthy stay wealthy...thanks boom ;-)
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